Training Programme

Training Programme

Training for Educators on how to promote inclusion in their classroom


BLOOMING project aims to create and hold a face-to-face and online training programme for educators and graduate students in education, about the importance of promoting inclusion and diversity in a STEAM classroom. The training programme should be adaptable to work as a standalone course for continuous professional development of educators, or to be incorporated in the curriculum of teachers’ initial education.

The specific objectives include:

SO4.1: Create a training programme for educators on how to promote inclusion in the STEAM classroom

SO4.2: Train educators to implement in their classrooms activities that promote inclusion and diversity and use the Blooming toolkit and Storybook

SO4.3: Promote the Blooming toolkit and blooming storybook to raise awareness about the gender gap in STEAM and inspire young learners ( 14 and above) to pursue a STEAM career

BLOOMING project contributes to the general project objective of promoting awareness about the importance of engaging young women in STEAM to secure a sustainable future (Objective 2). This is achieved by directly empowering a group of educators participating in training, to use the material developed by the project. Moreover, by creating a training programme that others can replicate and adopt, the WP also indirectly promotes the new methodology and raises awareness regarding the importance of inclusion and diversity in STEAM.


Training programme, including the objectives, contents, structure, resources of the training

  • Programme outline: objectives, contents, structure, resources, and other details of the training


Evaluation guidelines

  • Evaluation guidelines: guidelines defining the strategy and tools to be used to assess the quality and impact of training activities


Face to face training

Training activities: implementation of the first version of the training programme in a face-to-face training program with participation of different partner countries and involving educators and graduate students in education

Evaluation data: consisting of data collected during the training activities as defined in the evaluation guidelines Evaluation report: document providing analysis of the evaluation data and conclusions about the quality and impact of the face-to-face version of the training programme


Online training

  • Training activities: implementation of the online version of the training programme in each partner country involving educators and graduate students in education
  • Evaluation data: consisting of data collected during the training activities as defined in the evaluation guidelines


Evaluation report 

  • Evaluation report: document providing analysis of the evaluation data and conclusions about the quality and impact of the online version of the training programme


Training Programme Pack

  • Training Programme Pack: digital package with the final version of the training programme and all support materials, that is going to be publicly available
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