BLOOMING project aims to create and hold a face-to-face and online training programme for educators and graduate students in education, about the importance of promoting inclusion and diversity in a STEAM classroom. The training programme should be adaptable to work as a standalone course for continuous professional development of educators, or to be incorporated in the curriculum of teachers’ initial education.
The specific objectives include:
SO4.1: Create a training programme for educators on how to promote inclusion in the STEAM classroom
SO4.2: Train educators to implement in their classrooms activities that promote inclusion and diversity and use the Blooming toolkit and Storybook
SO4.3: Promote the Blooming toolkit and blooming storybook to raise awareness about the gender gap in STEAM and inspire young learners ( 14 and above) to pursue a STEAM career
Training activities: implementation of the first version of the training programme in a face-to-face training program with participation of different partner countries and involving educators and graduate students in education
Evaluation data: consisting of data collected during the training activities as defined in the evaluation guidelines Evaluation report: document providing analysis of the evaluation data and conclusions about the quality and impact of the face-to-face version of the training programme
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project number: 2022-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000088745